virtual data in business

Why Board Rooms are Going Virtual: The Future of Business Meetings

Modern board portal solutions allow companies to automate the process of preparing and formalizing a meeting and greatly simplify participation in meetings for members of collegiate bodies, thanks to the possibility of remote connection. So, what is the future of such digital innovations? Here I more about it.

Boardroom: the technology that has become a necessity

Due to special restrictions and the transition of organizations and institutions to remote work, online meetings have become increasingly in demand. In the modern information community, the undeniable advantage of online sessions over traditional ones is also noted in the ability to leave from anywhere in the world, which, of course, is an excellent opportunity to conclude certain agreements with foreign representatives without wasting time and other resources.

For years, board directors have been reluctant to embrace virtual meeting technology. And while online meetings will likely never replace physical presence, they can be effective and productive thanks to board meeting software. The board software is designed to organize and hold meetings of collegiate bodies both in person and online. Thus, the product helps to improve the efficiency of corporate governance.

How can they benefit?

The board portal solutions provide many valuable benefits for collegial bodies who prefer to move their daily routines online. They are as follows:

  • Saving time and money

The boards no longer need to go on a business trip to meet with colleagues from a branch in another region. Board portals allow users to hold virtual meetings with any number of participants. There is no need to search for a spacious conference room for a large-scale event. It is not required to provide employees with accommodation for the duration of the trip.

  • Ease of use

You can organize a video conference in just a few clicks. The main thing is to select a good board portal provider with a friendly interface. For example, according to, the iDeals board portal is easy to use. The service starts quickly, and all buttons are accompanied by a description – of what they are for. Even users far from the world of modern technologies can easily cope with the organization and conduct of a video conference.

  • Privacy protection

Boardrooms use tools to protect information from theft and compromise. To ensure reliable access, user authorization is used, which passes through a secure channel and is accompanied by data encryption. Flexible adjustment of user rights is provided to protect corporate information from malicious insiders. For example, a ban is imposed on downloading data from the cloud to an employee’s work machine. A robust information security system and data encryption protect the virtual meeting from hackers. The server is located in the data center, which is under constant guard, so the possibility of unauthorized data removal is wholly excluded.

  • Increase productivity

A virtual meeting without moving and often unnecessary formalities contributes to a more productive process. The time of the conversation is devoted exclusively to the issue’s essence.

Even today, video conferencing can be called the future standard of business communication. Board meeting software optimizes business processes and reduces the number of business trips of employees, thereby saving on costs. The software is highly functional; a local network will be enough for its organization. If the local network is insufficient, video conferences can occur over the Internet.
